Kayla, Resolve Works

Kayla McLemore

Executive Administrator & Accounting Associate

Learn more about Kayla in this employee Q@A Spotlight:

What is your favorite thing about working with small businesses and startups?

Working for small businesses and startups is a great opportunity to grow together and allows for creative input on new systems and ways of doing things.

What are the highlights of your career so far (length in field, education, places worked, clients served, etc)?

With my time at Resolve Works, I have been able to be a full time mom, full time employee AND was able to be a full time student. All while learning new skills and new clients. I’m eternally grateful for all of the opportunities I have been given through ResolveWorks.

Where did you grow up? How did you end up living where you live now?

I grew up in Orange County, CA. I have moved around quite a bit but I always find myself home by the beach!

What three words best describe you?

Dedicated, Loyal, Resilient

What do you like to do for fun outside of work?

When I am not working I spend all my time smothering my two amazing baby boys in love and snuggles.

Anything on your bucket list?

Travel! I want to ensure my kiddos get once in a lifetime experiences all over the world!

Do you have any quotes or mottos you live by?

“I have a tendency to worry about things that are not necessarily in my control so I remind myself often to live in the present. In the wise words of miss Doris Day, “Que Será, Será.”