Learn more about Brett in this employee Q@A Spotlight:
How did you decide you wanted to work in accounting?
Finance is a long-standing family industry and numbers are a fun puzzle for me. If you want to enjoy the work, the numbers have to provide a real fulfillment for you, and they definitely do for me.
What is your favorite thing about working with small businesses and startups?
Learning about the type of person that has been bold enough to venture into the world of starting a business. The commonalities, the differences – it is all fascinating.
What three words best describe you?
Caring, organized, curious.
Where did you grow up? How did you end up living where you live now?
I grew up in Bloomington, MN and have gone to undergrad (U of Minnesota) and have always worked in Twin Cities. My wife and I are frequent world travelers but we have a lot of roots in the Twin Cities and enjoy the area too much to leave.
What did you want to be when you were a little kid?
I really wanted to be a Zamboni drive for ice rinks….I still kind of want to be one.
What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
I really enjoy reading, golf, and taking care of my yard, but when I am looking for something bigger I love international travel and vacationing at a beach somewhere.
Anything on your bucket list?
I’d like to play Pebble Beach golf course in Monterey, CA….but it would be a very expensive round of golf.
Anything else you want a prospective client to know?
I care as much about the people involved in the business as I do about the financial guidance, and I really enjoy working in tandem with business owners to talk strategy and plans – financially and otherwise.